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We are always looking to work with people who are excited to do science, learn more about how life works, or develop new technologies! Please apply for an open position below, or just get in touch if you would like to discuss a fellowship application.

Write to: devang.mehta[at]

Current Vacancies



    All multicellular organisms possess internal circadian clocks that allow their physiology to adapt to and anticipate cyclic environmental changes. The plant circadian clock is a complex genetic network consisting of several proteins that bind to the promoter regions of other clock genes and thus regulate each other. Past genetic studies have uncovered many such regulatory links, however we still lack an understanding of how exactly these clock transcription factors (TFs) act to impact the expression of their target genes. In this project, the candidate will use plant synthetic biology tools to develop new methods that allow us to precisely identify the protein-protein interactions that direct the functioning of clock TFs. You will then employ these methods to study how these interactions change depending on the location and genomic context of the clock TFs. This will deepen our understanding of the plant clock and potentially lead to the discovery of new roles for many clock TFs under different environmental conditions such as future climates. Ultimately, discovering how clock TFs act under different environments will lead to new targets for crop improvement.

    The project will involve experiments using standardized DNA assembly methods, protein biochemistry, high-throughput proteomics, and bioinformatics. As a result, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to acquire a range of skills suitable for both academic and industrial careers, including beyond the plant domain. Further, you will be given the freedom to shape the project as you develop scientifically and use the excellent research environment at KU Leuven to realise your own ideas within the project’s context.


    We offer you a full-time 4-year PhD position, pending a positive evaluation by the doctoral committee at the end of the first year. Remuneration will be according to the KU Leuven salary scales ( and includes generous benefits in addition to Belgium’s strong social supports.

    You will obtain advanced training in plant biology, genetic engineering, and experimental systems biology that will prepare you for a career in industrial or academic research. You will be closely mentored by Prof. Mehta as well as a close-knit, international, and diverse community of plant scientists within the Division of Crop Biotechnics. You will be given support to participate in European and international conferences and publish your science in respected scientific journals. In addition, you will be provided with career guidance and encouraged to develop skills for science-adjacent careers in policy or communication including through courses via the Arenberg Doctoral School ( The lab also supports the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and embraces Open Science (

    Apply Here!

  • We do not currently have a funded opening for a postdoctoral researcher.

    However, interested candidates with an exciting research idea are always welcome to contact Devang after researching the various external funding opportunities available in Belgium, for local and international scientists. Please send an email introducing yourself, mentioning an identified funding opportunity and with and attached CV to devang.mehta[at]

    See funding opportunities

  • The lab welcomes applicants who wish to join the lab who require support to develop scholarship/fellowship applicants. If this describes you, please contact Devang by email with a C.V. and specific scholarships/fellowships you want to apply for.